On the first day of term 3, Monday 17 of July, Team Tui’s focus for the last couple of days was to complete and publish our work on Matariki. The task was to pick 3-5 of the Matariki stars and put it all together to make a poem on our senses. For my 3 stars I chose the stars were Pohutukawa, Waiti, and Ururangi. And for my 3 senses I chose Seen, heard, and felt. Pohutukawa was my Seen, Waiti was my heard, and Ururangi was my felt. Here is my Matariki poem.
Hi Hasi,
I just wanted to say how I was admiring your work/learning as I read through this amazing work you have accomplished. I also wnated to say keep up the good work.
From your amazing friend,